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Calling All Adventure Park Managers, Indoor Sports Center Owners, & Summer Camp Directors...




Right on Target


It is Fantastic

G'day Peter, Thanks for the copy of your book, "Right on Target" - it is fantastic. Please pass on my compliments to Nicole as well. Robyn has been saying this morning (she's been an avid reader of it since it arrived) that this book would have made us jump into the live gaming industry a couple of years before we did - it answers so many questions we had back then, great stuff. (Besides - we are getting many great ideas from the book as it is...) Can you also please pass on my thanks to Nicole, for her suggestion a while ago, that we have a serious look at a permanent field in the next town. We now run Tuesday night games at the High School, and every session so far has been booked to capacity. Thanks again
Nic, QLD, AU






Need more event bookings? Something to unchain the kids & teens from their screens?


Attract & Engage the young & the young-at-heart. The kids & teens will love you for it.


 This is NOT your Grandpa's Laser Tag. This is LIVE ACTION GAMING




FROM: NICOLE LANDER Brisbane, AU via Burbank, CA


My name is Nicole Lander, and along with my husband Peter Lander, we are proud members of a unique community of entrepreneurs that you've probably never heard of.

For those who may not know me, I am a passionate serial entrepreneur dedicated to helping people build businesses that create unforgettable memories for gamers worldwide. This mission fuels our excitement every day.

Our journey began with just a few thousand dollars and a bold idea: to bring the thrill of video gaming into the real world. Transitioning from a civil servant to a multinational exporter, I now oversee a local arsenal of over 1,500 live-action gaming units, serving a network of hundreds of operators in over 50 countries.

As a commercial laser tag pioneer, I've spent over 20 years helping individuals worldwide add a new attraction to their entertainment offerings or start their adventure businesses. My work has been recognized in the Wall Street Journal, The Australian, and NETT Magazine.

Additionally, as a fellow entrepreneur, I authored the definitive guide for laser tag operators, "Right on Target."

When we first started our live-action gaming business, we had no money or venture capital to fund our idea...

And when you think about it our BIG competitor has a market cap in the BILLIONS.

When you say "laser tag" most people think of a dark, foggy maze with pew-pew pistols and neon lights. Well, step aside toy laser tag, forget MATTEL.

This is not your grandpa's game. NO SIR! This is a new way to play: it's "Live-Action Gaming". So how did we change perceptions of pew-pew laser tag into an authentic and compelling live-action gaming experience? An experience that both the young, teens, and adults find thrilling?

Find out how... read on...



Peter and Nicole, First let me say congratulations on a fantastic book, it gets to the point, yet is not difficult to read. I do appreciate the copy, but now have to deal with a teenagers big head now that his picture is in the book :) I am wanting to start a veteran gamer program at my location, reading through your section it states that you have a data base where the information is kept. What do you use for the database program? Any additional information on this will be very welcome, thanks again.
Lee, Delaware Valley, PA



(And How Can You Use It to Grow Your Company?)

We've supplied to businesses across the globe including P&O Cruises, Scouts, Sydney Olympic Park, and the Hilton La Romana Resort. We've provided laser tag equipment to many summer camps such as Koinonia and Cedar Springs Camp. And to many youth organizations like YMCA, Salvation Army, PCYC, and others. We've also provided laser tag sets to many adventure parks including Glenworth Valley and Stockeld Park.

We have written this book for you. It's called "Right on Target - How To Have Fun & Make Money with a Laser Tag Business". 

 That's it.


You need this book if you want to turn your passion into your profession.

You need this book if you have an Adventure Park Summer Camp or an Indoor Sports Center and want to boost your bookings.

Click on the button, fill out the form, put your credit card in, and voila your copy will be emailed directly to you.




Jim Makowske

This is like laser tag on steroids. We have a lot of people come here with certain expectations and they leave here with a totally different understanding. [As] a matter of fact we kind of ruin it for a lot of [other] laser tag places because once people come here they don’t want to go to any other laser tag place. We particularly like the Master Controller's ability to change gun classes and indoor/outdoor (since we do both). Our gamers really like the ability to randomize the gaming guns with the Mystery Box. It enables us to change up a traditional game — keeping it fresh. We discovered that the new mission moves everyone back to the original class and weapon setting — which was a brilliant programming decision! Thanks" JIM MAKOWSKE, USA

Marie Jones

"We've been doing it for 8 years now. We are an independent business but we are also part of a global organization. It has given us everything we wanted. There has never been a single day during the past 8 years that we thought we no longer wanted to do this. Or we are bored with it. We are busy weekend in, weekend out. We absolutely love it." MARIE JONES, UK 

Geo Manning

"I like the lifespan and reliability. This is something that impresses me. And the general "team and game content" approach fits our thinking, sort of by fluke. We have always stressed game content with paintball and airsoft and now, especially with the battle box concept, it has become so much easier to do a remarkable job with laser as well. The game computerization potential of laser tag is wonderful. But equipment reliability and practical application details are the things that I think operators should appreciate and I think you folks have the formula that delivers. What I like best is... reliability and simplicity - a connection with reality, likely having a close link with your own field experience. The options with this are amazing - and we won’t get bored soon and hopefully, neither will the clients if we use the gear to capacity! I am impressed with the whole process" GEORGE MANNING, CANADA

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