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Master Controller Game Control Device

"My customers love Battlefield Sports equipment because it feels like what they imagine when they dream of adventure. I like that you innovate the technology, methods, and ideas to run our businesses," Joel, Idaho USA

Master Controller

The Master Controller is your portable control device that allows the Operator efficient and comprehensive game control. As part of the SATR system, you can boot up a unit configured to act like any other, such as a gaming gun. But it is best to have a dedicated unit. All units operate peer-to-peer, utilizing the key patented feature of the SATR system.

A master controller has numerous features for setting, monitoring, and controlling the game and other devices. The most commonly used feature is the game starts by radio along with a game timer so that each game runs for a specified period before automatically ending.

The Controller is designed to boost your throughput.

The Master Controller comes with a handy strap. Optional: Upgrade to the whip antenna. With this controller, the Battlefield Operator can start a game, pause it, stop all players, set a game-time duration, and much, much more!
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Controller Functions in Detail

While small operations usually only have one Master Controller, larger businesses can benefit from ordering several Controller units. Then, there are two or more Controllers working together. One will act as the lead controller, and the rest will act as slave controllers. For example, one Controller will time the games, and the rest will follow from that time count.

That way, the Controller unit won't issue cross-orders. In SATR3, the Master Controller has four boot-up options for the controller, namely:
Want to see the Controller up close? Click here to see the Controller's specifications.

Comprehensive Master Controller
A master controller controls the games and is normally used by operators/instructors. It has numerous functions, such as monitoring and controlling devices through radio and infrared communications. The most commonly used functions are to
* Start a timed game by radio
* Set a gaming gun or other device to a particular team and
* Reset gaming guns back to a default configuration for a theme.

It can also issue pre-recorded phrases on gaming guns in player mode. The master controller can monitor and provide limited remote control of devices on the same battle as the controller.

Simple Master Controller
If you want simplified operations, then go for the Simple Master Controller. It is a much simpler version of the master controller without many unusual or complex commands suitable for running simple “Laser Tag” events. Commands include:
Workshop Master Controller
A Workshop Controller is designed for depot staff. Commands include Reset, Set Spare, Test RF, Spawn, Shoot, Kill, Unlock, and Lock.

Basic Controller
If you rent your laser tag equipment, you can set the Controller to a "Basic Controller." This offers fewer options.


A Summary of the Master Controller Commands


This menu includes all temporary settings and commands issued via infrared transmission. The operator must point at the target device’s sensors and pull the trigger on the master controller. IR Commands do not make permanent changes to the target device configuration.


This menu includes all commands issued via digital radio to all devices on the same battle as the master controller. 


This menu includes all permanent settings and commands issued via infrared transmission. All changes are retained between reboots. Common settings are configuration options that are likely to change frequently.


Search with radio for devices of the selected type. The user then selects the specific device, and the system returns key information about that device. The list of matching devices shows basic scoring information and team settings.


Remotely control devices are in the same battle as the radio.


Trigger pre-recorded phrases from the master controller to play on gaming guns in the same battle. Notably: “you are victorious” and “change ends”.


Trigger pre-recorded phrases from the master controller to play on gaming guns in the same battle. Notably: “you are victorious” and “change ends”.


System testing and retrieving target device’s data via infrared (point at a target) or radio.


User-specified configurations which can then be used on target devices. Operators with common configurations can use this to save time when setting up gaming guns. Updates are done by combining infrared (one device at a time) and digital radio signals. Can send a broadcast update to all devices on the same battle or all devices regardless of battle, remember to turn off any devices that you don’t wish to have updated.


This menu includes all permanent settings issued via infrared transmission that change infrequently. All changes are retained between reboots. Only one setting can be altered at a time.

Even More Detail on the Controller Functions

The User Guide explains each of these master controller functions in more detail. The latest user guide can be downloaded here.


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