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Play Outdoors: Tactical or Family-Friendly Themed Gameplay

Outdoor Laser Tag Equipment For Business

The Best Outdoor Laser Tag Set for Your Business

 Experience is the new fun.


outdoor laser tag equipent

Battlefield Sports outdoor laser taggers are state-of-the-art. 

Also known as "laser tag phasers" these gaming guns emit light. So there are no bullets, no projectiles, no paint pellets.

These Laser Taggers give you a completely new way of gaming.

This is live-action gaming.


Good To Know

Key Benefits of this Outdoor Laser Tag System:

* Long-lasting batteries - super power efficient 
* Awesome sound effects - more than 18,000 SFX

* Built Tough - Play rain or shine 



I love your product

I love your product, it is a huge hit at my Resort and I am a loyal customer. When traveling to Jamaica come see us as I would love your feedback on our battlefield. We have incorporated other activities in the location and called the area RED RUBY RANCH with hay rides, bonfires, archery, horse shoes, Mock Cattle roping, etc and of course laser tag. It is an All Inclusive resort but we have been marketing it to team building groups etc. Thank you for your company and services and we will be doing more business in the future.
Scott, Jamaica

We recommend a minimum laser tag set for an outdoor laser tag attraction where 24 people can play at once.

Of course, you have more!

For example, Cedar Springs Camp and Shoot to Thrill have more than 100 laser tag guns in their operations.

Read on if you want to make some money and make a difference.


outdoor laser tag euqipment

Live-action role-playing scenarios enable you to create thrilling memories for your gamers.

Battlefield Sports equipment is 100% portable, tough, and weather-resistant.

That's why this laser tag equipment works well indoors or outdoors.

We specialize in outdoor gameplay (although you can also play indoors).

We Love Our Business

If you'd like to own your very own fun and rewarding business, it's easy to do with Battlefield Sports. It just works! Hassle free and if I have any troubles, I always have your friendly team to contact for help :) Just thanks a million :) We love our little business and appreciate you!
Michelle, Brisbane Australia


Are you ready to arm yourself for adventure? Take the Quiz!


Laser Tag Systems for Outdoors

Battlefield Sports offers battle-tested laser tag systems for the outdoors.

It is a complete, balanced, and fully play-tested game system developed over more than 25 years in the trenches.

Battlefield Sports offers a team-oriented combat game that can be played in various locations, such as forests, woodlands, snowfields, around buildings, warehouses, or on purpose-built battlefields.

My Customers Love Battlefield Sports

My customers love Battlefield Sports equipment because it feels like what they imagine in their mind when they dream of adventure. I like that you innovate not just the technology but methods and ideas to run our businesses.
Joel, Idaho USA

Commercial Outdoor Laser Tag Equipment For Sale 

Battlefield Sports technology enables an extended range of infrared laser taggers in all playing conditions.

Extensive testing was carried out to achieve optimal range and firepower for each laser gun/sensor, ensuring the most satisfying gaming experience in a commercial environment.

The gameplay has been influenced by video games, like first-person shooters (FPS).

Use This Laser Tag Equipment Indoors or Outdoors

big groups playing outdoor laser tag

Outdoor Laser Tag Equipment Manufacturer

Battlefield Sports is a world-leading outdoor laser tag equipment manufacturer.

Outdoor equipment is weather-resistant and able to be used day or night.

Rain or shine.

Both kids and adults play outdoor laser tag.



 Our friendly Battlefield Gurus are happy to help with your project.



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