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Inspired by Fortnite & PUBG Battlegrounds

The Battle Royale Mission

Inspired by famous video games, you can now play "Battle Royale" in a live-action game.

Run this mission in three ways: a solo free-for-all, duos, or squads.


Battle Royale Game

This is the live version of the "Battle Royale" video game format. It is a winner-takes-all showdown.

Just like in the video game FORTNITE, there are no respawns.

Players start in a big playing area and as time goes on, then the safe zone shrinks. 


During the first part of the scenario, it is about jockeying for position.

But as the field begins to shrink, the gamers are drawn closer together. Until there's a final shoot-out to see who will be the last gamer standing! EPIC!

The Battle Royale craze just got a little bigger with the new Battlefield Royale LIVE mission inspired by the popular Fortnite and PUBG video games.

The Battle Royale LIVE players out in three ways:

Solo - Free-for-all or 

Duo - Work as a pair against up to 6 other duos 

Squads - A Team of Gamers go head to head against up to 6 other squads 


Leaves Laser Tag Behind

These gaming guns leave traditional laser tag and paintball so far behind that it's incomparable
The Ubisoft games designers


Three Ways to Play

Battle Royale Solo

The classic scenario is that 100 gamers are parachuted into the battlefield, each vying to be the last gamer standing. Of course, in the SATR3 system, you can have many more than 100 playing at once. 

In this version, several supply crates are scattered around the field. These offer players the chance to get upgrades that might help them later in the game. But! Other gamers are jockeying for these supplies as well.

As the safe zone shrinks, these supply crates are "consumed" by the storm.


Hint: It's a great idea to place a bonus supply crate close to the Battle Royale box. This allows players in the final minute or two of the mission to collect some much-needed supplies. Before the storm pushes them closer to the middle.

Battle Royale Duo  

In this version, players pair up. With 7 teams available in the SATR system, you can have up to 14 players at once in this mode.   Much like with Solo, you can send the players off to find their hiding spots before the game begins.  

Battle Royale Squads 

A great option for larger groups, divide the players into several teams. The system supports up to 7 teams. Unlike with Solo, however, each squad should start at a Supply Crate. Each supply crate should be placed roughly equal distance from the Battle Royale box so they are all "consumed" by the storm at the same time.


What do you need to run this mission? 

  • X number of Taggers
  • A master controller or Scoreboard app
  • A radio repeater (if playing in a large area)
  • 1 x Battle Box (with Whip Antenna) set as a Battle Royale Box  
  • REC: 3 - 4 Battle Boxes set as Supply Crates



Battle Royale

Get the Live Action Gaming Handbook

Battlefield Sports offers a free handbook that runs through everything you and your staff need to set up the missions, including what to say to the players:   



Looking for the Quick Start Guide? Find it here


 More Games to Play

Learn about all the recommended missions in the Live-Action Gaming theme "Battlefield Royale". 

Keep in mind the Battlefield Sports system is super flexible. You can expand on these ideas or create your missions using our long list of Common and Rare Settings!




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