Latest Live-Action Gaming Innovations
SATR3 is the third generation of our digital live gaming software. Watch the explainer videos.
Here's what you get
Real-time hit-feedback and real-time gamer statistics
New games including "Heist," "Capture the Flag," "Rush" and "Battle Royale"
More than 350 emulations from family-friendly phasers, modern firearm emulations, tank battles, and fantasy scenarios to American Civil War re-enactments.
Up to 7 teams play at once, with up to 8 separate battle groups Up to 21 languages with in-game voice-overs & SFX - or add a customized language
Many Live-Action Gaming Themes
Up to 8,191 gamer IDs - now that's a battle, not a skirmish!
Highly configurable or easy lock-out mode
100% Portable
Many pre-defined resets
Slots (up to 8 emulations per gamer)
New high-powered micro-processor plus improved radio signal via daisy-chain
Variable and splash damage
New in-game perks like "super mag" or "stopping power"
Armor & shields (including Mystery Armor)
and much more!
Here at Battlefield Sports we strive for continuous and never-ending innovation.
We are constantly on the look-out for how to do things better for our customers and our community
1) Flag Boxes and Blitz boxes when providing respawns/reactivations have a 10-second delay after a successful respawn before another is performed.
2) The Battlefield Tag theme REC. Options list now has an option for “Commando” on the list in addition to “Tagger”,
3) When a Tagger is dead/deactivated, it saves its current key stats to the SD card, this can take 5 seconds.
When a tagger is restarted it will retain these stats until it
a. It is restarted again before dying/deactivated
b. Receive a Clear Stats command from a Master Controller
c. Receives a Briefing command from a master controller
d. Was in End Game State and received a Start Game command.
e. A reset is performed
4) A battle box saves its key scoring statistics every 15 seconds. If it is restarted it will retain these stats. The scoring stats will be cleared by: a. If on REC. Options on the restart,
a different team, or a device role are selected
b. The box is restarted within 15 seconds.
c. Receive a Clear Stats command from a Master Controller
d. Receives a Briefing command from a master controller
e. Was in End Game State and received a Start Game command.
f. A reset is performed For battle boxes on indoor mode, there is reduced radio strength, except for dedicated radio repeaters. The briefing command now clears the winning team color on a Domination Box.
Also, Battle Boxes that act as repeaters have the radio strength reduced from 10dB to 6dB as 10dB is way too high when taggers are very close to the Battle Box like when they respawn.
Introducing a brand new gaming theme "Blaze Tag".
Flash and Hot Spots are new games across the most popular themes and are supported on the Simple and Full Controllers.
Blaze Tag has both Taggers and Beacons for the players. With a Tagger they need to “shoot” a target to earn points. With a Beacon, they need to be next to it, a meter or 2 away (one or 2 yards) but don’t need to aim anything as this is done by radio.
Because a player doesn’t need to touch the target, there is less chance of gamers colliding when they try to make a point. This means the games can scale up to include more players.
To support the requirement for very short games in Blaze Tag, it is now possible on a Master Controller to set 1 and 2 minutes games, previously the minimum was 3 minutes.
The term “Phaser” has been replaced by “Tagger” throughout the system.
The Blaze Tag Simple Missions for the Basic Controller are:
• Flash
• Quick Fire
• Level UP
The default Reset in the Battlefield Royale theme is now “Gun(Any)” which locks the target gaming guns, sets it to medium volume, and is a common automatic pistol.
This is the most used reset in this theme at the beginning of a session.
In the Blaze Tag theme, the normal delay in hearing the hit feedback voiceover is removed as in target games the emphasis is on knowing you hit the target quickly whereas in other themes, we want to hear a short shooting sound before playing the hit feedback voiceover.
For Battlefield Tag two new resets have been added EASY MEDIC(RED) and EASY MEDIC(BLUE).
These reset to a locked Medic Box that only does reactivations, not reloads like a Combination box.
Typically in this theme, Taggers have unlimited reloads so the Combination Box (respawns and reloads) is not required, only the Respawn function.
This means the top line of the LCD will say “Medic Box” and the third line will no longer show reloads.
To better support 3 and 4 team games 2 new Radio Commands have been added to the Full Master Controller:
• Three Team Rotate
• Four Team Rotate.
This is similar to the very useful Switch Box Teams that is used in 2 team missions when simply changing ends.
In 2 team sessions, normally each team plays each mission twice, simply changing ends after the first round.
These days a single staff member runs most sessions so it is much easier for the staff member to watch the teams move into position from a central spot and then Switch the team box (especially for Medic Boxes and Vaults) by radio rather than having to walk to each team’s base.
It is now fairly common to run 3 team games, especially for Domination, Bullseye and Heist where the game is played 3 teams so that every team gets a chance to play from each position, having a staff having to move to each box to set the team after each game is quite time-consuming, so the new 3 Team Rotate RF command is now added.
If a Box is on Team Red (A) it now becomes Blue (B). A Box that was Blue(B) now becomes Purple(C) and a Box that was Purple(C) now becomes Red(A).
The 4 teams rotate works in the same except Purple goes to Yellow (D) and Yellow goes to Red(A).
The status line 4 on a Taggers display when it enters game over state now has the player ALIAS shown on the right-hand side.
This is helpful for working with SATR-Go as players need to know the name of the tagger to lock up the scoreboard. In the past, they had to pull the trigger to see the Alias on the Game Stats or Session Stats screens.
This is applied across all themes, but is especially important as Blaze Tag theme taggers don’t have Game Stats or Session Stats screens!
Brand new for March 2024. BIG NEWS: Increased the number of allowed SATR Unit IDs to 8191 from 2047!!
A basic RF monitor command now returns the Current Hit Point for use in SATRGo. This means for Battle Royale games, the survivor count is more up-to-date.
Prioritized playing the Respawn voice over other sounds so it is clearer to the player they have respawned.
Completing reload of ammunition stopped while stunned.
The spare device (REC. Options) after a reset defaults now to the Domination Box as this is the standard game type.
With the Fantasy Language, the Medic Box is shown as “Resurrection” on the LCDA Domination Box in any Fantasy Theme is now called “Capture Chest” A Flag Box in any Fantasy Theme is now called “Flag Chest”.
Here's what's new in SATR three-fifteen:
read on...
Brand new for August 2022.
Here's what's new in SATR three-fourteen: read on...
Brand new for November 2021.
Here's what's new in three-thirteen:
For the Battlefield UNDEAD theme the "flags" are re-labelled as "med-kits". And this gaming prop can be set to:
Flag Box setting 2: deposit a virtual flag to your own team’s box
Flag Box setting 3: do both (current)
The flag box can offer respawns or not.
New for August 2021.
Out in March 2021.
Here's what's new in three-eleven:
Read the launch media release, in detail.
* Improved Mission Scoring via the Master Controller e.g. the Controller will calculate the winning team in the Domination Game even with lots of boxes and then will announce the winning team on the gamer's gun.
* Improved Digital Radio Efficiency* Improved Digital Radio Efficiency* Double the ammo for all weapons in the Battlefield ROYALE theme
* New "Recommended Options" replaces "Spare Device" options.
* Boosted digital radio range for Supply Crates in the Battlefield ROYALE theme
* NEW: BASIC CONTROLLER which is even simpler than a Simple Controller.
* Reorganize the command list order in the Simple Controller
New in June 2020.
We have released the new 3.9 version of SATR now into production.
Here is a summary of the new features:
Brand new for January 2020.
SATR3 gaming guns that make a hit automatically update the scoreboard without waiting for a ping. We call this "Fast Ping!".
Operators can switch teams on boxes by radio to make it easier to run single staff member sessions from a Master Controller. Improved reliability on the monitor request function. In other words, if a gaming gun has received a general monitor request from SATRWare or a Master Controller in the last 15 seconds and successfully responded to that request, it will ignore further monitor requests. This means the system has a better chance of finding a clear radio frequency channel. This is a general search by device role in SATR. For example, you might search for all medic boxes or all gaming guns. Each device on the same battle as the controller or SATRWare responds if it is the right device role.
The problem is that with gaming guns if there are lots of them, it is hard to get a clear channel so only some get through. The Controller and SATRWare try multiple times, we don’t want guns that have already responded to respond again with further retries. We want the ones that could not previously get through, to now respond.
A new Template Box device role provides random templates or characters within a specified target gaming gun theme. These features are good for a monster mash-up game for example in the Battlefield Fantasy theme.
There is now an option to run SATR 3 at 10kbps RF baud. This is slower than our normal 19.2kbps. Running slower may suit operations that use large outdoor areas with a fairly low gamer-to-space ratio as it significantly increases the RF range. By default, we will still use 19.2kbps and with a radio repeater this is adequate for most applications but there are times when additional RF range is required. [NOTE] The 10kbps will not work with SATRWare.
The Set/Chg Emulations can now be used where it only updates the main slot. This is the case the vast majority of times and it makes re-configuration quicker. The SATR3.7 has two new features to really help when running big sessions on only one staff member. This is a key element for profitability as staffing costs are the largest overhead. Typically the event has games where the teams change ends. So each team has an opportunity to try the mission from both sides. The system supports this now with the Switch Box teams by radio. In other words, A team boxes all switch to the B team, and B goes to A. This saves the need for the Game C.O. to take the teams to their bases and makes it easier to watch both teams from a central location. Another feature has been added. This is for players who are meant to be staying close to their start medic box.
A Start Safe Zone command specifies how large an area they are allowed before the mission starts. If a player is outside this area before the mission starts their gun will every 10 seconds make a loud “DING” followed by the phrase “Out of Area"? The Game C.O. can hear this ding and therefore can quickly track down those players that have left their base early. The system will still complete a reload even if a player is holding down the trigger continuously. This has an application where you have automatic reload and little kids that just hold the trigger down constantly.
The new SATR 3.6P was released for production in 2019.
It has the following new or modified features:
The 3-way Domination game has been super popular with local gamers.
The latest version now supports the restoration scoring data from the database feature discussed above. It also now supports the Royale Live Genre. When closing SATR-Hub, the user now has an option to not clear the scoreboard time left in-game timer.
Added in this new version of the software is the new genre "Battlefield Royale LIVE". This offers enhanced support Battle Royal live game.
Also new is the ability to configure the hit light LEDs. Select
To read all about the new Battlefield Royale gaming genre, click here.
Exciting new software support is launched now. SATRWARE consists of SATRHUB (all the Master Controller functions but on a Windows Tablet or Laptop) plus SATRSCORE (scoreboard software). Click here to find out more.
1) Alternative unlock by holding down both mode and reload buttons and then pushing reload (3.4Q)
2) Battle Royale Box defaults to radiation every 5 seconds instead of 15 and the gamers get 2 radiation warnings before taking damage.
3) Repeater check to not transmit the same message again now checks the last 5 messages, required because of increasing RF traffic in 3.4.
4) Option for Battle Royale to shrink to nothing instead of melee RF range
5) Battle Royale box circle descriptions on LCD made clearer.
6) In Fantasy Genre, the term “Gold” is used instead of “Cash”. $ sign changed to “G”
7) Gaming guns and suitable boxes now send scoring information to the scoreboard when a score change occurs, this way the scoreboard does not wait until the next ping circle. This is a significant improvement for the Scoreboard integration. Gaming guns send scoring data when they die, make a hit, or kill.
8) For Rush Box and Mission Box, the controlling team lights change to more team-based and intuitive (3.4G)
9) Battle Royale Box now sends a melee range immunity in addition to the “normal” range immunity in case players are too close to the box and within the minimum RF, range serviced by the CC1101.
10) Battle Royale radiation signals are now sent twice (3.4O) to increase the chance of gamers outside the circle taking damage.
11) More consistent battle/team format used on box LCDs
12) Radio Repeater display shows the last 2 messages re-transmitted.
13) On Resume, a fixed bug where melee weapons with an automatic attack (not trigger pull required) did not resume the automatic attack.
14) Radio Test response now uses minimum RF power, so it is a better test at close range.
15) Correct hit feedback when the target is dying by burning.
16) Gaming guns repeat basic radio packets only if they are on the same battle except for the Find command.
17) Fixed bug where radio repeaters did not process reset commands by radio (from SATRHub)
18) In 3.4F fixed a bug where some boxes were not counting the number of issues.
In summary, SATR3.4 has much-improved integration with SATRWare, especially for getting scores in real time. Radio Repeater checks the last 5 messages for duplicates before repeating instead of 1 which makes it more stable. Immunity Range for Battle Royale now has the option of a totally closed circle. Fantasy terminology changed to Gold instead of cash. Rush box and mission box strip LED are made more intuitive. Lots of new reset options added for Battlefield LIVE to make common games easier to set up. Radio Repeater functionality improved to improve the reliability of flag returns being counted properly. Important — A radio Repeater on high ground with a whip antenna is now an operational must in SATR 3 series.
Additional features include:
We always seek to improve and innovate.
New additional features include:
SATR2.4c was launched in January 2016. The old SATR2.2f /SATR2.4c software used old class 4 SD cards for its sound effects. But only the 2-gig-sized Class 4 ones worked. These smaller-sized cards are now very difficult to source. We have been working behind the scenes to re-write the 2nd generation software to work with the newer, readily-available Class 10 sd cards. The new version SATR2.5 will do the same as SATR2.4c. Please note that they will work on the new black motherboards rather than the old green colored ones.
Or to find out about our previous generation of this patented technology, read on.
On the simple master controller (in Locked Out mode) there is no longer a confirmation on START and END (Radio) commands. So the display when it shows "SATR (Radio)" the operator now just needs to pull the trigger it issues the RF Commando. The confirmation step was removed because untrained renters got confused by the confirmation requirement.
Battlefield Sports started the year with a bang by launching its new SATR 2.2f release.
Battlefield Sports announces a new software release for the Honey Badger. This new software version now enhances the live gameplay of the Honey Badger laser tag gun model, offering two unique features with the ability to change from subsonic to supersonic mode and back again. Read all about it here.
Introducing the new soundscape "Arcade". Ideal for Family Entertainment Centers, Tourist Resorts, and Summer Camps SATR2.2 has a new soundscape called 'Arcade'. Rather than the standard word cues for gameplay actions, the new Arcade SFX offers a set of intuitive sonic elements just like sounds from a retro pinball parlor.
Advanced Friendly Fire by Team takes the LIVE Gaming Scene in a new direction. With the launch of the new Friendly Fire Team Mode, teams can now battle over a Domination Box or other objective, with friendly fire on.
The SATR2.2f release has changed the way auto-fire respawns work. In the previous version, auto fire respawns could be better when running games on limited or counted respawns. We have now changed the rate of respawns to be slower and the result is they don’t count the other teams' respawns by accident on the medic or combination box. Battlefield Operators love automatic respawns.
The Change Language bug is fixed. Now when you switch between languages it does not end up with no language as it was occasionally possible in 2.0y.
Domination Box to set an independent game timer. This means that a timer can be set without needing a master controller. This has a use for when you want a particular Domination Box to be decided before the game finishes or you are running a battlefield without Battlefield Sports equipment such as paintball or Airsoft field and you still need a domination box with the push the button control feature.
Hundreds and hundreds of gaming guns across the world have been upgraded to the new release SATR 2.
This is a major change to the system, but instantly familiar.
SATR 2 now comes with perks:
SATR1.65a was launched in April 2013. The old SATR1.6 /SATR1.65a software used old class 2 SD cards for its sound effects. These are now obsolete. We have been working behind the scenes to re-write the 2nd generation software to work with the newer, readily-available Class 10 sd cards. The new version SATR1.7 will do the same as SATR1.6. It will work on the new black motherboards rather than the old green colored ones.
The previous release of SATR 1.65a offers new functionality and sound effects for Domination Boxes.
DOMINATION: Fully integrated into the SATR system domination box mode, while any device can become a domination box as long as it has a sensor, LCD, hit-light, board, and switches we have a specific model which is a Domination Box. The Domination Box loaded with the new v1.65a software is ideal for making it clear who is in control. Now as well as the Light FX, there are also SFX. So when the blue team takes control the box will issue the order "Bravo Team in Control" and when the red team counter-attacks the box says "Alpha Team in Control". (The "B" team is always Bravo.) This way the C.O. doesn't need to. These orders will be repeated every 15 seconds (or you can set the time intervals or off).
The player that causes their team to start the domination clock again for their team hears a dong noise on their shooting gun - this is using our patented peer-to-peer hit feedback system for another cool purpose. Also on the game stats screen when the game ends if you have made at least 1 domination, you get a stat saying how many you got, it's called O for the objective.
Generally with domination use team settings on the gaming guns. Domination mode is compatible with all versions of SATR that support teams although to get the dong the shooting gaming gun will need v1.6 loaded too. If you shoot the box from a team A gun, it flashes red and with a B gun flash blue (or green with old LEDs installed). Alternatively, if you're using friendly fire on gaming guns, then use the push-to-dominate option.
Games are easy, just set up two battle boxes as combination boxes with unlimited respawn and of course set them to the right team with the master controller. Set up a domination box in the center, normally in an area where you have to get in close to shoot but from my experience, this is not required to make a great game. At the end of the game just check the flashing lights, whichever light is flashing is the winner! With the new 1.65a software version the Domination Box also announces the winner with SFX e.g. "Bravo Team is Victorious!"
This is my new favorite mission now for the first 2 games. For indoor, I found the best way to play it is 5-10 minutes games with the difficulty level set to hard and 3 hit points - used this for the Microsoft TechEd event indoors and it worked great.
I have fallen in love with Zombie games. The genre provides the flexibility one needs to really create interesting scenarios and there are also more options for dress-ups and props. SATR now supports Zombie games with survivors automatically turning into Zombies, Zombies getting their own special attack (short-range without muzzle flash, no red dot, and potentially silent). There is a new mission available as well Zombie which I recommend as your starting point for developing Zombie games called Zombie Survival. There are two modes for Zombie games:
Holocaust is the simpler option where basically when a survivor dies they respawn as a Zombie (changing from team A to team B, also changing hit points and changing the style of attack).
With Apocalypse mode, as well as taking wounds from Zombies players are infected and the more wounds, the generally faster the infection. When a survivor 1st dies, an automatic resurrection time commences (configurable), once this time has elapsed, the survivor turns into a Zombie without having to go to a medic box. A respawn from an A team medic box during the turning period will very temporarily stop the infection but will restore full hit points.
We will do some more features for Zombie games in the future for sure especially to make them run on as less staff as possible.
This replaces the "hire mode" as the terminology. Operators now use this extensively to preset all their equipment and not let the staff change any settings. Also good if you are running a rental option for your business something that I encourage everyone to have a good look at if you can make the capital investment it has proven worthwhile.
The system allows you to have to red dot scope stay on all the time if you wish in hard or standard mode - it is called Recoil on the system
The world of live gaming has changed forever: SATR. Our brand of laser tag equipment gives you real-time gaming statistics, the laser tag games simulate real-world weapons from AK47, P90, sniper rifles, and more. Authentic in-game voice-over and sound effects.
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