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London Live Gaming Innovation Summit Wrap



The International LIVE Gaming Innovation Summit was held last month in London

innovation summit 2019innovation summit at pinewood hotel london live gaming innovation summit

The Live Gaming Innovation Summit 2019

The conference, held at Pinewood Boutique Hotel, focused on Battlefield Sports' new generation of technology ideal for laser tag businesses, adventure parks, sports centers, transportable rides, and paintball fields.

live gaming innovation summit wearable tech launched at the summitdisplay of the latest live gaming models - wearable tech

What You Missed: New Software New Features Announced At the Innovation Summit

"At the Live Gaming Conference we announced features in the updated firmware for the NEW Royale LIVE genre," said Peter Lander, Battlefield Sports.

Based on Operator feedback we launched a new software version that is packed full with Fortnite inspired features, including: :

  • New setting for battle boxes: the Supply Crate, with random aids, weapons, and ammunition. Gamers can pick up better weapons, medical supplies to heal themselves, and stock up on ammunition.
  • Weapon rarity. The Battle Royale LIVE genre simplifies weapons that smart slotting technology, making weapons upgrade more intuitive. Weapons come in several classes of rarity, the more rare something is, the better!

  • Automatic slot & aid management

  • Battle Royale LIVE introduces Shields. Gamers can have up to 100 shield points. Once more making the system intuitive for new gamers and unlocking new opportunities for your live gaming sessions.
  • Aids to restore health (such as bandages) or shields (shield boost)
  • Hit points default to 100
  • Start with common rarity, semi-automatic pistol
  • Ammunition pool (light rounds, medium rounds, shells…)
  • 37 Royale Live new weapons with rarity and ranking – don’t mix with other genres!
  • BONUS FEATURE FOR ALL GENRES: Team LED for indoor use, the red light stays on for the red team and blue team stays on for blue team while gamers are alive.
  • For more info on the new software, click here.

If a gamer reloads with ammunition still in their chamber, the extra ammo is returned to the ammunition pool. Gamers can use those same ammo points in another reload. Gamers can see how much total ammunition they have by holding down the reload and mode buttons. 

SATR3 - Jam-Packed With Features To Entertain Your Gamers

"The latest version of the laser tag system 'SATR3' supports science fiction skirmishes, fantasy games, military re-enactments, modern artillery scenarios and war time ordnance and tank battles," said Nicole Lander, co-Founder Battlefield Sports. 

The Live Gaming Innovation Summit also showcased the brand new wearable technology the "QUESTER". The Quester is an updated model of the Melee Box. With the addition of the baton, the Quester is perfect for Battlefield Fantasy games. In particular for spell caster characters and escape adventures.

The event drew together owners of laser tag businesses and live gaming parks from all over the United Kingdom and Europe. We had operators from England, Belgium, Denmark, and Spain.

The one-day event also emphasized the latest in laser tag marketing including social media. There were some light-hearted moments too with an ice-breaker exercise featuring Aussie Flag balloon and a lucky door prize where the delegates discovered stickers under their tables at their seats. The winner was Lars Bek Shoot To Thrill from Denmark who had the Radio Repeater decal. (The Radio Repeater is now a vital inclusion in any battlefield arsenal.)

Contact your local consultant to find out when the next conference will be held.

What Did The Battlefield Operators Think? Here's A Review Of The Laser Tag Business Seminar in London 

Watch this short video with reviews of the laser tag business seminar - the Live Gaming Innovation Summit - which was held in London this year. 


Delegate Feedback On the Live Gaming Innovation Summit

The delegates were positive about the Live Gaming Innovation Summit. Overall they gave the event a rating of 4.2 out of a possible 5.

live gaming innnovation feedback

The delegates were also impressed with the keynote speakers, giving them an overall rating of 87 out of 100.

"Good location. Valuable information. Great opportunity to meet Peter & Nicole Lander," said Graham Simons, Battlefield LIVE Peterborough United Kingdom.

feedback on the keynote speakers

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