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Feautred Emulation: FN Minimi

Gamer Centered Entertainment  

Featured Weapon Emulation: Minimi

FN Minimi Emulation

The SATR3 live-action gaming engine has more than 350 emulations.

Today we're going to talk about the Minimi emulation.

This emulation is used in the Battlefield LIVE theme

This Machine Gun has been adopted by countries around the world. 

We recommend using the Morita model in combination with the Minimi Emulation for added realism. 

minimi weapon emulation

The Minimi has been adopted by over 45 countries including: Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Japan, Spain, the UK and the USA. 

Here are the emulations' specifications

  • Magazine Capacity: 200
  • Fire Mode: Fully Automatic
  • Recoil Duration: 2
  • Rate of Fire: (up to) 800 swings per minute
  • Range: Long
  • Reloads: 7
  • Reload duration: 6
  • Ammo: n/a
  • Damage: 6P
  • Jam Rate: 1

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New to the Live-Action Gaming biz? Avoid these #7 rookie mistakes that can cripple a battlefield business in their first year. 

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