Featured Weapon Emulation: MP38/40 Machine Pistol
The new generation laser tag system, SATR3, has more than 300 emulations. The previous generatlon SATR2 emulates 69 different weapons. These weapons are categorized into four (4) classes:
- handguns
- submachine guns
- rifles
- machine guns
This month we feature the MP38 (MP40) machine pistol emulation.
The MP38/40 Machine Pistol Emualation
The MP38/40 is a popular weapon emulation in the SATR system.
The MP38/40 submachine gun features a 32 shot magazine, is capable of fully automatic fire only. Its default emulation is short range.
It has 6 spare magazines of 9mm Parabellum ammunition and takes 3 seconds to reload.
The MP-38 and later MP-40 were adopted by the Wehrmacht in 1938 and 1940, respectively. The MP40 was often incorrectly called the Schmeisser by the Allies, after Hugo Schmeisser who produced the guns' magazines.
Some 1.2 million MP-38 & 40s were manufactured prior to and during WW2. Initially, the MP-38 was intended for use by paratroopers, but later was widely used by the German infantry.
Listen to the MP38's features, click
Here are the Gaming Gun Specifications
Magazine Capacity: 32
Fire Mode: Full Auto
Recoil Duration: 2 seconds
Rate of Fire: Medium / Fast
Range: Short
Reloads: 6
Reload duration: 3 seconds
Ammo: 9mm Parabellum
Jam Rate: 4
Origin: German
A Scorpion configured as a MP38 or MP40 would normally be configured at short range.
Image Attribution: Deviant Art