The gaming engine SATR3 emulates 285 different emulations from modern military weapon emulations to fantasy emulations, and gaming support roles.
Today we feature the famous long arm, the M16a2 rifle.
This rifle is a stalwart weapon emulation in the SATR3 system. In SATR2 our gaming engine supported 4 classes of battle weapons and the M16 emulation was on its most popular. Now, SATR3 now supports 25 classes of emulation.
​In fact it is the standard emulation associated with the "soldier" character in the Battlefield LIVE genre. Each soldier starts a game with 25 hit points.
The weapon emulation, in this case, the M16A2 has a 30 round magazine capacity. It has two fire modes: burst fire and semi-auto. Its recoil number is 2. Its rate of fire is 800 per minute. It is a long range weapon. The M16A2 rifle has 6 reloads and it takes 3 seconds to reload. It's Jam Rate is 2/1. The rifle offers 6 points of damage.
A Battlefield Sports gaming gun model, such as a Morita SAW with this weapon emulation has a default configuration of long range. Alternatively use a SATR-AIR unit and attach that to an M16 airsoft rifle.
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