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Battlefield Sports Year in Review

Last Year Was Bright for Battlefield Operators & Gamers

A Year of Growth & Achievements for Battlefield Operators & Gamers


battlefield sports year in review

As we at step into the New Year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on everything we’ve accomplished in the past year.

The Year in Review isn't just a chance to look back—it's an opportunity to celebrate our wins, learn from our challenges, and set our sights on the future. 2024 was a landmark year for us at Battlefield Sports.

We celebrated an incredible 25 years in the business and continued our journey of innovation, reaching new heights with our current operators and welcoming many new faces to the fold. It has been a year full of excitement, growth, and plenty of gaming!

Thank you for being a part of our story. Whether you’ve been with us for years or just joined us recently, we’ve loved every step of the journey with you.


Spreading Live-Action Gaming Far & Wide

             For more than 25 years, we’ve had the privilege of helping entrepreneurs across over 55 countries launch live-action gaming ventures. In 2024, we continued this mission, expanding our reach even further by selling to 15 new countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Cyprus, Spain, France, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Norway, Chile, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

Top 5 Live-Action Gaming Countries

Thanks to our amazing Battlefield Operators, we’ve seen a steady rise in demand for our equipment and services. 

Here are the top 5 countries where live-action gaming took center stage in 2024:

1. Australia 

2. USA 

3. UK 

4. Belgium 

5. Sweden

We’ve been busy crafting cutting-edge gaming guns and accessories for operators in these countries, many of whom are brand-new to the Battlefield family.

 It’s been a joy seeing new entrepreneurs embrace the live-action gaming movement.

year in review - top 5


Laser Tag Guns: Best-Selling Games

The players' love affair with our brand of laser tag games.

The most popular games were:

  • Team Death Match (aka TDM or Team Elimination)
  • Domination (aka Capture & Hold), and 
  • Heist!

Getting Seen & Heard

 We've Been Seen & Heard Our TikTok and YouTube channels were popular. Our clips were shown more than 24,800 times on TikTok.

Our videos were viewed more than 38,400 times on YouTube. To help operators get started, we created Quick Start Guides for our most popular themes and published a new Laser Tag Industry Report edition. This year, we published (or updated) many blog posts. We love to tell stories about our customers' successes!

Last year's 10 most popular blog articles were:

  • Call of Duty: In Real Life 
  • How do you make a Laser Tag gun? 
  • How long does a laser tag game last?  
  • Made in Australia  
  • How much do you charge for a laser tag ticket?  
  • How much space do you need to play laser tag?  
  • MPV? or Team Score? 
  • The Rise & Rise of Fortnite  
  • New Laser Tag Industry Report  
  • Warhammer Goes LIVE


 Ringing In The New Year with New Opportunities

As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited about what’s to come. With 350+ emulations available, SATR3 offers an incredibly flexible live-action gaming platform. The battle box alone can be configured into 22 different roles, and the melee box offers 24 configurations—allowing for endless possibilities! Did you know that any unit can be set to any role?  

The options are nearly limitless. Our mission remains to help Battlefield Operators enjoy their entrepreneurial journey while creating thrilling customer experiences. 

We’ve seen tremendous success with the launch of Battlefield Sports University, where we’ve enrolled hundreds of operators eager to grow their businesses. Additionally, our invite-only Facebook Battlefield Operators Group has grown to more than 275 members, providing a space for networking, advice, and camaraderie. We can’t wait to continue this incredible journey with you in 2025 and beyond.

What was your Biggest Win of 2024?

 We’d love to hear from you! Share your successes, challenges, and reflections on the year that was.

Together, let’s make 2025 even more amazing!

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