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Battlefield Sports Team Scoring & Game Statistics Explained

SATR3 The Team Scoring & Game Statistics Explained

This is an explanation the Battlefield Sports' SATR3 scoring and game statistics explanation.

The thinking behind the Battlefield Sports missions, game statistics system and team scoring system is all built upon patented its SATR technology.]


in game stats

Live Gaming Scoring & Game Statistics

The founding principle of Battlefield Sports is team play. We believe in that you win or lose as a team. Rather than an individual ranking from first to last. Battlefield Sports has been operating commercial events since 1999.

The technology and scoring system has evolved to best meet the practical needs of the gamers and the operator.

All the of our missions, except Battle Royale (on Solo mode), revolve around teams achieving objectives together.

Team objectives leads to gamers communicating and working together.

This reward system is a key determinate of behavior. We believe in developing an inclusive culture where everyone can contribute.

Veteran operators understand the need to focus their business as a form of entertainment rather than a sport.  


end of game statistics

Team games are much easier to adjust to get the outcome required by the operator. In a live-action role-play everyone has to have a chance to shine. Every player is a hero in their scenario.

Being commercially focused, Battlefield Sports understands that a great gaming experience must be delivered but this needs to be done so staffing levels are kept to a minimum. In most missions, gamers play the entire time.

Commercial games are built around unlimited re-spawns so the gamers play for a set period of time.    One of the most profitable types of events for an operator is large events with high throughput. Events such as theme park attractions, fetes or village fairs.   

It is important that the gaming guns can be issued quickly and games are turned around quickly. Often this means changing ends without everyone coming back to a central area.

To ensure this high throughput, scoring is provided in real-time on their gaming gun and individual game statistics are shown on their display screen immediately after each mission.


Team Missions 

In old-fashioned Laser Tag scoring was about an individual high score. A ranking was often displayed in the foyer monitor from first to last.

The result was boring gameplay

Even if there was supposed to be a team objective, the individual score rewarded selfish play.  With a focus on team play numerous and exciting missions can be run.  Battlefield Sports has an advanced Games Handbook that provides some excellent examples.

With the SATR 3 technology almost any mission or theme is possible. However, commercial operations need to run a key set of popular missions. The following missions are not only popular they are easy to set up and run:

Battle Royale: Free for all or team-based survival game. Up to 7 teams supported. A smart shrinking battlefield forces the gamers to keep moving closer and closer to the center. Who will be the last gamer standing?  

Team Death Match: Simple game of attrition, search and destroy. 

Domination: Capture and hold a key objective 

Electronic Capture the Flag: Collect from the opposition's flag box and return to your box as many flags as possible. 

VIP Escort: Escort a designated VIP to a landing zone within a set period of time 

Treasure Hunt: Find virtual keys and then unlock treasure boxes to collect the cash. 

Heist: Collect virtual money and return to your team’s Vault (popular!)

Rush: Capture a series of objectives in sequence.

Mission & Session Statistics

This is an explanation of Battlefield Sports' SATR3 scoring and game statistics explanation.

The thinking behind the Battlefield Sports missions, statistic system, and team scoring system is all built upon patented its SATR technology. As well as intuitive light and sound effects and real-time statistics on screen, immediately after each mission, the gamers can see their statistics from that mission.

Many operators run a series of games across one session. For example, locally we run 4, 15-minute games in a 2-hour session. So, gamers can also discover their session statistics, these are accumulated statistics across all the games.  Stats include number of hits and kills. Accuracy is shown as a percentage.

The best guides to individual performance are the Kill to Death ratio (“K to D”) and the Assist to Wound ratio (“A to W”).   Some team missions such as capture the flag and domination record the level of team contribution made by an individual gamer. For example, the number of flags captured by a gamer; and the number of times a gamer takes control of the Domination Box. This is the Objective statistic. When running a commercial battlefield, the key to efficiency is fast turnaround between missions.

Gamers can see all their key statistics in real-time and immediately at the end of their game, right on their own gaming gun’s display.

Gamers, do not need to go in search of a Scoreboard or wait for a printout. Instead, they can move directly into position ready for the next mission from wherever they are. Individual statistics rather than an arbitrary score allow the focus to be on the positive. A young gamer might have only made one kill, but to them that can be an achievement that can be reinforced by a caring staff member. Indeed that same player might have clocked up 6 objectives which meant that their team won that game!  Gamers can also pick which statistics, if any, they want to share with their friends or family.  Some like to share their accuracy, or the objective achievement, others a simple kill count. 

The Master Controller

The Master Controller is an important device for a Battlefield Operator. The controller allows the operator to set up the game, control the mission, and quickly retrieve team scoring information.

SATR3 has an integrated digital radio system. This signal is boosted on very large fields with radio repeaters.  The SATR3 system also notifies the players, immediately after the game, who won and what to do next. This is an ingenious system!

For example, if the operator is running a Team Death Match, during, or at the end of a match, they can scroll through the menu on the Controller and select “Monitor”, then scroll through the device roles, to “Combination Box”.   Pull the trigger and the system with go “Searching…” The Controller’s screen will show Combo Boxes. The key info is the first letter, in this case “B” for Bravo team. The number, in this case 4, is the number of re-spawns.  The next number is the unique Identification Number. (Note every unit in your arsenal has a unique ID number.) The next section is “Combo 2” and “Combo 1” these are the aliases for that unit.  Another great feature of the SATR system is its pre-recorded phrase.

These are in many languages, the language used is set on individual gaming guns.

Imagine you have a group of 30 players, 3 of them speak Mandarin, the rest speak English. The Battlefield Operator could have their controller set to English. Gaming guns set to English then play an English phrase:  the equivalent phrase is played in Mandarin on the Chinese set gaming guns.  

As well as different languages the sound effects also vary depending on which battlefield genre the units are set to.  Here are some examples with different language options of phrases played on gaming guns: “Alpha Team is Victorious”  

"Bravo Team is Victorious” “Change Ends”  and “Drinks Break” 

Sound effects and directions provided this way enable fast turn-around of missions. Running on time and having everyone know what they need to do is critical in large commercial operations.  With a small team, it is very easy to handle 40, 50 or even 100 gamers in a single mission. 

The Controller can also monitor how the teams are going during the mission in real time. This is called in game monitoring. Sometimes the operator needs to make subtle adjustments to ensure everyone has a good time and is appropriately challenged.

The Battle Royale Game

Hugely popular in various video games, like Fortnite and PUBG, the "Battle Royale" survival game can now be played in the real world. In the Battle Royale format it can be a free for all or team game.

Battle Royale suits having lots of small teams.

The winner is the last squad or the last gamer standing.

The Battle Royale box is placed on high ground in the center of the battlefield. Initially the battlefield is quite large, normally 160 meters or 525 feet across but as the game progresses the field shrinks.  Anyone outside the circle will receive 2 warnings as a sound effect that they are in the danger zone. After that they will take radiation damage every 15 seconds! 

Generally, no respawns are provided in this format, although they can be included from a medic box or from the Battle Royale box itself. Scoring is simple, it is seeing which gamers are still alive. This is done with the master controller, that can return a list of all gamers still alive at the time.  For team Battle Royale, the winning team is announced with the pre-recorded phrases.   


This is a simple 2 team Battle with unlimited respawns

The team that respawns the least, wins. Scores are easy to collect using the master controller by monitoring the medic boxes. At game end, the operator triggers an appropriate result phrase, such as “Alpha Team is Victorious” and “Bravo Team is Victorious”. Phrases are played in selected language. We find this especially useful for foreign student groups.

Like most missions, Team Deathmatch is typically played twice, with gamers changing ends after the first round.  Here the “Change Ends” pre-recorded phrase is most useful. Centrally positioned boxes like the mystery weapons, mystery armor or Perk box acts like a secondary objective. Gamers love to find out what they might get.


 The easiest way to have a high action game is to play the Domination mission

 Gamers fight to control one or more Domination boxes. This can be run with up to 7 teams, however 2 or 3 teams is usually best, as you want a high ratio of gamers winning each round. The boxes are placed centrally between the team bases.

Domination Boxes are controlled by shooting their sensor. The box will flash the appropriate team color of the team that last shot it. Gamers can also hear the announcements during the mission from the box indicating which team is in control. When the mission ends, the box announces which team has won that box and also flashes the winning teams color. On the master controller, the operator can quickly see which team won which box and by how many seconds. Once again, the operator can then trigger the pre-recorded phrase to announce the winning team.


The "Capture the flag" game is always a popular option, especially for very active groups. Unlike traditional Capture the Flag, the electronic version is much more manageable, safer, and runs to an exact time. Each team has a medic box and a flag box.  The flag box is placed towards the same end of the Battlefield as the team’s medic box but some distance away.

To score a flag, a gamer has to achieve the following: A gamer has to get to the other team’s flag box & shoot it. Then they need to escape without dying, and then shoot their own flag box.

This is one flag for their team. The mission runs typically for 15 minutes. It is very important in commercial operations that games have a fixed time length so everything runs on time. The team with the most flags returned to their flag box wins. The master controller can monitor the number of flags each team has captured and at the end of the mission, the operator triggers the appropriate winning team phrase.


This is a great team building game. Here one team lies in Ambush and the other team tries to escort a VIP to a nearby landing zone.  To help the VIP team the VIP is configured to provide a fixed number of respawns. This mission normally runs for 30 minutes. For the Ambushers, they start respawning as a pursuit party from the 10-minute mark.  They Respawn from behind the special forces team. The master controller is used to remotely control the medic box. Escorts win if they get their VIP Alive to the LZ at the 30-minute mark. Again, the master controller is used to announce the winning team. The escorts can still draw, if the VIP dies by getting at least half their special forces team to the extraction point for helicopter pickup.  If the VIP dies, the operator can inform all gamers with the pre-recorded phrase “VIP is dead”. For both the ambushers and escorts there are lots of tactical team options to choose from making this an excellent corporate team building game.


With a Treasure Hunt, the gamers are trying to collect virtual cash from Treasure Boxes. To open a treasure box, they may need to collect the right key first.  In a large area, multiple teams can be competing to find keys and treasure boxes.  Gamers shoot the boxes to collect the key or treasure. Treasure boxes can be configured to provide weapon or armor upgrades as well.  In the Battlefield Fantasy genre, treasure boxes can be trapped and require a Rogue character to disarm the trap. Like in Heist, to win, the gamers have to return their cash to their team’s Vault before the mission ends. Team with most treasure (or most cash) in their Vault wins. Vault balances can be monitored by a master controller and as usual pre-recorded phrases are used to announce the winning team. In this example, the gamers have to:  Collect first a key from the treasure box marked K1.    This key will open the key box marked K2. K2 will provide key 2.   Key 2 is required to open the treasure box marked T.    The treasure box will then give the gamers money which they can return to their teams Vault.


Heist is an exciting and challenging mission for teens and adults. It works great with any number of teams. We have had great success with this for corporate team building functions, especially when there is a requirement for more than 2 teams to compete.

 From a centrally located money drop box or two, gamers can collect any money they currently has by shooting them. Gamers can also gain money by raiding another team’s Vault or even by killing a gamer who is carrying cash.

To win, a team has to deposit their money in their team’s Vault.  The team with the most money in their Vault when the mission ends, wins. The money drop slowly gains money, normally going up by $10 every 30 seconds. (It can also rise in increments of 10 pounds or 10 euros – you can set the currency via the language setting.) 

The balance goes back to zero when a withdrawal is made. Killing another gamer carrying cash back to their team’s vault, gains the shooter half their cash. The dead gamer loses all their money.

Everyone has a role; you can have defenders protecting the team’s Vault, Raiders trying to steal money from other team’s vaults, or the sneaky player trying to get to and from a money drop without dying. Scoring is easily done with the master controller bringing up the total cash in the Vaults for each team and then announcing the winning team as usual. If you run with 4 teams, a complete session is 4 by 15 minute games where the teams rotate 90 degrees around the field after each round.


For a fast-paced, intense game, Rush is the perfect mission. Attackers try to capture a series of Rush boxes by shooting them and holding them against counter attacks for a minimum of 30 seconds.

Typically Rush boxes provide a fixed number of respawns to the defenders while they still hold the box. Attackers receive unlimited respawns from their start position and from each Rush box they capture.

To determine a winner, Rush is played twice. The team that captures the greatest number of Rush boxes as attackers, within the time limit, is the winner. The master controller can view remotely the captured status of each box and therefore note the score for the attackers at mission end. 

After the first game, the “Change Ends” phrase is very useful to get gamers back into position ready for the 2nd go. The winning team is announced as usual with the pre-recorded phrases.

 A draw is quite possible with Rush, so the pre-recorded phrase “Draw” is included.


For more information about the SATR technology email us   

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