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7 Reasons Why Your Battlefield Business Needs an Email List

Why Your Battlefield Business Needs an Email List


As a Battlefield business owner, you're likely to know the importance of social media engagement. However, while social media can be a powerful tool, it's crucial to remember that you don't truly own any of it.

This virtual landscape is rented. You don't own it. You don't own your followers. 

They belong to Mark Zuckerberg (owner of Meta - Facebook & Instagram). Or they belong to Zhang Yiming (owner of TikTok). Or another big-wig owner of whatever social media you invest in.

Your followers belong to the platforms themselves, leaving your reach and influence subject to their ever-changing algorithms.

In contrast, an email list provides your business with something far more valuable: ownership. You control the data, enabling you to build direct and lasting connections with your audience.

Here are seven reasons why you should prioritize building an email list for your Battlefield business.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

build your email list

Reason 1. Own Your Audience: 

Unlike social media platforms, where your followers are ultimately at the mercy of algorithms, your email list belongs to you. 

You own the data and control the communication channels, ensuring that your message reaches the people who matter most.

Reason 2. Deeper Connections: 

Email allows you to set up a more personal and intimate connection with your audience. 

Unlike the fleeting nature of social media posts, emails provide a space for deeper engagement and meaningful dialogue. 

Personalization, like addressing subscribers by name, further strengthens this connection and builds trust.

You can reach out to people directly in their inbox. This connection is strengthened, especially if you can personalize the message. Use the recipient’s name, this creates a special connection from human to human.

Reason 3. Greater Reach: 

While social media engagement can be beneficial, the reality is that organic reach on these platforms has been declining for years. 

According to Rival IQ, the average post engagement rate on Facebook in 2023 is a mere 0.064%.

Email, on the other hand, offers significantly higher engagement rates, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience and has a greater impact. Ok, so you might not get a 100% open rate. 

But it’s likely to be a whole lot better than 0.064%.

Reason 4. Nurture Leads and Warm Your Audience:

Email is ideal for nurturing leads and building trust with potential customers. 

By creating valuable content and helpful tips related to planning events, you can establish yourself as an expert and authority in your field. 

This "warming up" process increases the likelihood of leads converting into paying customers when they're ready to book their next event.

Reason 5. Automate and Streamline Communication: 

Email automation can save you valuable time and effort. Automated email sequences can be used to send booking confirmations, payment receipts, follow-up emails, and even targeted marketing campaigns. This frees you up to focus on other aspects of your business while ensuring your customers receive timely and relevant communication.

You can prepare a series of messages for the people who’ve shown an interest in your operation, but who have not yet booked. And you can also prepare a series of messages post-booking.

You’ve probably got an automated message from me!

Reason 6. Create a Customer Journey:

Email marketing allows you to carefully guide your audience through a well-defined customer journey. 

This journey starts with building awareness and establishing your brand as a trusted resource. 

Next, you can nurture leads by offering valuable content and showcasing your expertise. 

Finally, you can seamlessly guide them towards booking their next event at your Battlefield facility.

7. Boost Your Bottom Line:

Email marketing is a proven tool for increasing sales and revenue. Studies have shown that a single email subscriber can generate an additional dollar of revenue each month.

By investing in building your email list and nurturing your leads, you can directly increase your business's profitability.

It is a surefire way to help boost your sales by investing in growing your email list!

In Closing

As a final note, building an email list is an essential investment for any Battlefield business.

It allows you to own your audience, build deeper relationships, achieve greater reach, nurture leads, automate communication, create a customer journey, and ultimately, boost your bottom line.

Don't miss out on this powerful opportunity to connect with your audience and grow your business.

Start building your email list today!

How many people do you have on your email list?

build your email list

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