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4 Tips for Running Big Laser Tag Events

Four Tips for Running Big Laser Tag Events


big groups

Spring is one of the best times of the year for laser tag, especially outdoor laser tag.

The weather is mild, and people are optimistic.

Outdoor laser tag events can be seasonal, with September often being our busiest month.

We love Spring.


Because there are lots and lots of birthdays celebrated in September. (After all, it is nine months after Christmas/New Year.)

There are lots of sports team break-up events in September. 

Spring Break offers a terrific opportunity for young and old to play laser tag on their vacation.

This Spring was no exception.


 In fact, a recent Spring weekend was one of the biggest weekends of the year so far!

You'd think with more than 1,000 laser tag guns in our arsenal, we wouldn't book out!

But over a period of about a week, we had three battlefield venues running simultaneously, plus a full-service inflatable event, and hundreds of gaming guns rented.


empty laser tag equipment locker

More than 755 people had booked in to play with huge battles, with 50, 65, 78, and 100 playing simultaneously.

So, not surprisingly, the gaming gun safe (this gun safe is the size of a room) is empty!


 Here are Four Tips for Running Big Laser Tag Events


Tip #1: Determine How Big You Can Go

We limit the number of gamers who can play at once to 100. Not because that's the limit of SATR laser tag system capacity. No sir. It is the capacity of our venue's car park. 

In fact, 100 is just a fraction of the world record for the biggest laser tag event.

A couple of years ago, we supplied the laser tag equipment to the Boy Scouts, who used it at their Jamboree.

Apart from 10,000 scouts experiencing laser tag during the 10-day event, they also set a new world record. The record is 436 people playing at once!

Even if you start with a small arsenal, the SATR laser tag system can grow with your business.


Tip #2: Plan in Advance

People like predictability.

So let people, including your staff, know if there is any change to your regular opening hours or session timetable.

We have a Google calendar linked to our website so guests can see which battlefield venues are available and when they can book a public session. (Public sessions are where several different groups book the same battles.)

Depending on availability, private session bookings can be made at any time of the day or night.

Tip #3: Select Games That Scale

While the V.I.P Escort Mission is a terrific laser tag game, it works best with a group of 6 to 25 players.

If more gamers are playing at once, the scenario can lose its impact.

A better choice of game is Domination. Or for really big groups, 3-point Domination.

To spread out the action, add a couple more Battle Boxes set as a "Domination" box. Instead of using just one game box in the center of the battlefield.

So, the combat action is spread across all three Domination Boxes.

More insights exist on which missions to choose for which groups visit our Missions Page.


Tip #4: Make Your Ticket Price Strategy Work

Our Ticket Price strategy has two parts: group pre-payment and the upsell.

To encourage big groups to offer big discounts if organizers pre-pay for many people in one transaction.

For example, if people pay on the field as a walk-on, the ticket price is $50pp cash (for a 2-hour session).

If someone pre-pays for 1 to 9 people, the price drops to $43pp.

If the organizer pre-pays for between 10 and 19 people at once, tickets are $40pp.

For 20 to 29 people at once, the tickets are only $38pp.

And for more than 30 people in one pre-paid transaction, the tickets are only $36pp.

This reduces the administration overhead associated with tracking individual ticket sales and encourages the organizer to attract a few extra gamers! 

Running lots of small sessions with just a few gamers at once is not as economical as running a fewer number of very large sessions. 

There are economies of scale in the big groups. The other party in the ticket price strategy is to encourage upselling.

In addition to offering food and beverages to the gamers, there are many other opportunities for additional sales.

You might offer camouflage outfit rental or sell face paint or army-themed merchandise.

 For more information on how to work out your laser tag ticket price, see this blog. 


 Big Is Beautiful

Being part of a big laser tag battle is thrilling.

As soon as you arrive at the battlefield, there is a buzz, and you can feel the energy of the gamers.

Younger players love it because there is lots of action, and older players love it because there are many targets! Everyone gets excited from the mission briefing and throughout the live games.

It is an extraordinary experience.

It is one of those handful of times that they will never forget.



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